HungerSolve A Food Waste Solutions Platform
HungerSolve and why it was developed.
HungerSolve is designed to help reduce food waste for corporations, restaurants, stores, food banks, and farmers, fostering sustainability and efficiency.
The idea behind it came from a food bank provider that needed better tracking, management and a place for their corporate vendors to review the stores that this food bank provider manages.
The ultimate goal for HungerSolve is to make it the top Food Waste Solutions Platform with unified standards and ease of use.
Current Features:
Below are the features of HungerSolve.
- Registration of various managed types.
- Easy volunteer Checkin and Checkout.
- Categorized Donor and Vendor functions.
- Independent Login for Admins, Volunteers, Transporters, Restaurants, Corporations (With all stores they manage), Stores, Farmers, donors, Houses of Worship and ministries.
- Food Tracking, both incoming and outgoing.
- Reports to comply with the California SB 1383 bill
- Box weight management.
- Delivery Tracking.
- Vehicle Tracking.
- eMail Verification.
- Multilingual support : English, Spanish, Russian, Korean, Japanese, Arabic, Vietamese, and more are implementated or on the way. (You can verify yourself by selecting the drop down of languages near the top left of the page)
- More is either in development or is arrived and I haven't updated this text yet.
Upcoming Features:
- Volunteer Service Login with managed volunteers to your orginization.
- Text verification
- More is either in development or is arrived and I haven't updated this text yet.
- Do you have idea's ? I would like to know and lets make this world a better place.
I am looking to be contacted by you:
I have a special place in my heart to help the Hungery and I don't like plastic, food waste or hungry people. If we can fix these 3 items, I think our world will be more sustainable and better for our species.
If you have idea's or features you would like to see in this platform, please let me know by Contacting me, Brad Chism. I would love your corporate or retail knowledge in growing this platform to better everyone.